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  • Foto do escritorNicole Abreu

SALES !! Now we have a corner for sale in the store !!

Atualizado: 1 de out. de 2019

Who doesn't love low prices? I love, and I'm always hunting them !!

View daily promotions and their durability. Right on the first page has reference to balances, if you do not have when you see this post is because it was reorganized.


I love promotions, but I hate confusion and there is nothing better than an online store for it !! And still give me home, I spend no time, patience or fuel. Tell me your preferences in the comments.

What are your favorite promotions?

I love make-up promotions, it is something that is usually expensive and the times when they make the most promotions are at festive times like Christmas. It is rare to go to a physical store and find at a lower price, the most expensive and famous brands are always renegades of promotions.

It's much easier for you to get promotions on more expensive and famous brands in online stores.

I start to advertise my store that sells good makeup and well-known brands at much more affordable and competitive prices.

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